
Homemade Flour tortillas



Mix together the flour, salt, and baking powder with your hands until thoroughly combined. Add in the crisco/bacon grease until the flour is completely coated. Slowly add in the hot water, careful not to burn your hands! Dough may seem a little wet but will stop sticking to your hands and come together after a minute or two of kneading .
Knead dough for 5 minutes until smooth. Tear off 12 even pieces of dough. Roll each piece into a ball by using a tuck and turn method in your palm to make the top smooth. Slightly flatten the balls into a disc shape. Cover with a damp paper towel and let them rest for 30 minutes.
Roll out each tortilla on a very lightly floured surface. Cook in a very hot cast iron skillet until you start seeing several bubbles then start checking the underside. When you see slight browning in various spots flip the tortilla. The tortilla will begin to bubble then puff up. Look for the same browning on the second side then remove from pan.
Keep tortillas warm in a kitchen towel until you serve.

Enjoy !!
